19 June 2009

Fathers and Suns

Happy Father's Day!

I don't have any deep insights or sweet sentiments to share about this holiday, today. :)

But, if you are looking for some Father's Day related reading, you can check out this previous post about some of my favorite Dad Blogs. Good reading. Good dads.

And as long as I'm sharing the linky-love, I think I'll add Hot Dads to the list - they are interesting and irreverent bunch of dad bloggers who offer fun and funny insight on modern day fatherhood.

As for us, The ZenHusband is up in the Bay Area this weekend for his Father's Day present: The National Homebrewer's Conference. Trust me: It's was the perfect gift for him. :)

So, the Minions and I are getting ready to go to my parents house for a few days. The boys are very excited about the visit and can't wait to "help" Papa barbecue and work in his vegetable garden. :)

Oh, and didja know?

This year, Father's Day happens to fall on the longest day of the year (for those of us in the Nothern Hemisphere) -the Summer Solstice, or Midsummer.

So, Happy Father's Day and a Happy Summer Solstice, too! :)

What are your weekend plans?


  1. For some bizarre reason, Father's Day Down Under is in September. So I'll have to wait until then to get my soap on a rope.

  2. Saturday: dinner with my best man and his family (Yay)

    Sunday: dinner with my inlaws (Boo)

  3. My husband requested a nag free weekend as his gift. I am happy to grant it. I hope you enjoy visiting your parents.

  4. Aw, I wish The Daddy had known about the homebrew conference...he'da loved that.

    You know, I should invite you and yours up to visit the mommy and daddy. Your kids would love the huge yard and chickens and flirting innocently with the girls, while the two daddies can make beer.
