16 June 2009

Kid-Logic: Reason number 1,942 ...

... that my sons are very different boys ...

The four-year-old doesn't want to pet the llamas at the zoo because they might make his hands dirty.

The just-turned-two-year-old doesn't want to pet the llamas at the zoo because he's too busy trying to LICK them.


This kid is going to be the death of me.


  1. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    (Though, to be fair, I have never licked a llama [I have licked a lama, but that's a story for another day] -- they may be delicious.)

  2. AWESOME. that is awesome. but now i have "me and my llama" from sesame street stuck in my head.

  3. I think our two years would get along great!

  4. We got to this Wildlife Park up the way with relatively tame native animals - kangaroos, koalas, emus - and my boy tries to kiss the kangaroos ALL the time. They're pretty confused. As, I guess, he is.

    Thanks for your visit to my site!

  5. That whole "death of me" thing? Been saying that about my daughter since she was one second old.

    Seriously, one second.

  6. "This kid is going to be the death of me." - Oh my god. That is SO my mantra about Liv. Everyday, she tries me. TRIES me. But she has never licked a llama so I count myself as lucky.

  7. It is not at all unusual for me to note aloud that if I'd had Minion #2 first, it's highly likely he'd have been an only child. He's my little mischief-maker.

    I'm convinced he's a genetic clone of my own little brother - who was always a sweet-but-trying little handful.

    Somehow that old curse - "Someday, I hope you have a kid just like you" - must have juuuust missed the mark. :D

  8. Yeah, I caught my two-year-old licking both the screen door of a National Park Service housing cabin and the Parmesan shaker at a pizza place in eastern Wyoming.

    I understand the desire to lick the cheese. I fail to understand why he would like the screen door more than once.
