12 March 2010

A Very Merry Unbirthday

So, today is my first unbirthday since I turned 36.

I have to admit that 36 doesn't feel too terribly different yet than 35.

But, somehow, I feel like it should be more of a milestone. I mean, I'm officially in my "late 30s" now. I should feel differently, shouldn't I? Wiser? Grayer? Grumpier? Something.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not quite ready to embrace my inner-crone just yet. I mean, I just got this motherhood gig down. Don't rush me.

But I could go for a bit of that all-knowing and wise vibe. That'd be nice. Because, just between you and me, I'm totally winging this grown-up thing. Mostly making it up as I go along. And when that doesn't work, I fake it until the moment passes. (And I'm beginning to suspect I'm not the only one.)

Well, whether or not another year older shall make me another year wiser is yet to be seen. But, I do know that I had a quiet and lovely birthday yesterday.

In lieu of 1,000 words ...

(What? I told you I was faking this whole responsible-adult thing.)

While all of the gifts and cards and messages really did make my day very special, I have to admit that THESE from the ZenHusband are definitely my favorite gift:

Wishing you a very merry unbirthday,


  1. Aw jeez... if you would have told me it was your birthday, I would have left you a wide open TL/TW combo.

    Anyways, Happy Birthday.

  2. And THAT would have been an awesome birthday present, too, SFD. ;)

  3. Happy Birthday!

    I like that card ZH got you :-)

  4. Happy first unbirthday. And you're not late 30s. You're early-late-mid 30s. Much better.

  5. Ew, have fun at the concert! And a very merry un-birthday! Tho I think you are a little wiser, because you're finally in on the secret: we are ALL faking this grownup thing; not a one of us really knows what we're doing...

  6. Happy un BIrthhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  7. Happy unbirthday!!
    Love the gift - and totally understand why it is your favorite! :)

  8. I have had 4 un birthdays now.
    Happy Birthday!

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  10. Hope your birthday was happy. Enjoy BNL!

  11. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday Darling! Perhaps we should start lying about your age now? Love you! Mom

  12. Happy un-birthday!
    Good luck with your new year.

  13. Happy Un-Birthday!

    I am un-officially 7 now. It is not exciting.

  14. Happy birthday, but you are still "mid-thirties". You are a year younger than I, so I can't let you be old or that would mean that I'm old. Congrats on being spry enough to go to BNL!

  15. Happy belated Birthday, Zen dear. I too will hit the big 3-6 at the end of this month and it's not settling well with me. I get the whole faking being a "grown up". There are days I wonder why I don't feel much different than I did ten years ago, mentally anyway. Once you think you have it all figured it out, you realize that it's nothing like you thought it would be. Maybe women just complicate this aging thing too much. I never hear men talking like this.

  16. What the hell? I've been sitting in this cake for 10 days!

    Maybe next year.

    Happy birthday!

  17. Happy belated unbirthday. Mine was 4 days before yours (43), and I haven't been online much since (not depressed, just busy.)
    Could also relate to your last post - DH and I go away once year by ourselves and just did so for this year. It's a rebirth for us every time.

  18. A verry belated happy unbirthday! How was the BNL show?

  19. Thanks, all! :)

    A Free Man: The BNL show is in May. But their new album is out in the US today. Can't wait to hear it! :)

  20. Happy belated unbirthday and I hope you have an awesome time at the concert!! Woot!
