30 July 2009

Just Keep Swimming

Nothing to see here.

I have no amusing anecdotes. No insightful observations. Not even a dirty limerick.

I could offer you a crudely drawn picture of a twister and a cow, compliments of my four-year-old? No?

Well, in that case, might I suggest that you find some witty, moving or interesting blogger to entertain you today - there are several in my sidebar that I'd recommend - 'cuz I got nothin'.

Because the ZenMom is just up to her ass in alligators this week and just can't spare any energy for blogging.

And even if I did have the energy, you wouldn't be interested in reading about the kind of stuff on my mind lately. It's pretty damn boring.

I mean, really, do you want to hear about how my co-workers are systematically trying to drive me insane? (Seriously, if you come to me for direction and then do the exact opposite of what I recommend, how much freakin' sympathy do you think I'm going to have for you when you come back to me holding your cocked-up project in your hand like a kid with a dead bird asking me to "fix it"?)

Or about how we've been fighting an algae infection in my pool that's so bad the kids have started calling it "Shrek's Swamp"?

Or about how the door handle to the kid's room got broken and the door got stuck closed and the ZenHusband finally had to break in through the window and cut the handle off with Skill Saw to get it open?

Or about how my house has been under siege by an army of freakishly intelligent and fiendishly determined black ants all freaking summer?

Or about how I'm desperately looking for a new doctor because I think it is the height of absurdity to have to sit in a waiting room for two freaking hours just to spend 60 seconds with the doctor and then get a script for the same damned meds he gives me every freaking time I've gotten an upper respiratory infection for the last ten years, instead of him just calling the damn thing in every once in a while?

Or about how Minion 1 has suddenly outgrown all of his clothes and started peppering his speech with "dammit" and "freaking" (Yeah, that's all on me. Mom of the Year. Right here, baby.)

Or about how I'm stressing about Minion 1 starting kindergarten next ... OMG - It's only TWO WEEKS away?!?! And I how I'm still trying to get him into the school of my choice and don't yet know how that's going to work out? And might not know for sure until the day before school starts?

Or about how Minion 2 - who is apparently part mountain goat (on his father's side, I presume) - has started climbing up onto everything, including his brother's bunk bed, his clothes dresser, his bookshelf, the dining table, the back of the couch, the bathroom counter, and anything with wheels?

Or about how Minion 2 has decided to stop taking naps, and so by about 6 p.m. every night he's wound up like a rabid squirrel? On speed. In a race car. Inside of a tornado.

Or about how both of the Minions seem to have decided this week that dinner should be optional unless Mom and Dad serve as their personal short-order cooks? (Which, for the record, ain't gonna happen, folks.)

Or about how every time I sit down to write, some great catastrophe occurs - like a broken toy or a bruised knee or the ubiquitous cry of "Noooo, I had it fiiiiirst! Mommmmmmyyyyyyy!"

No? Not interested in any of that? Didn't think so.

Move along, then.

Come back next week and I shall endeavor to be witty and charming.

If you brought some wine back with you, that might help.


  1. Okay, after finally getting the picture of a fish swimming through the ocean singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" over and over and over again out of my head, I was able to read your post. I wasn't able to contain the laughter though. No, I wasn't laughing at you or your misfortunes, rather at the thought that... at least it's not just me!
    Hope things get a little easier!

  2. What does it say about me that I am fascinated when you think you have nothing to say?

    And frankly, I'm somewhat shocked that the "Shrek's swamp" in your backyard, the ant infestation and the kids not napping did not make your favorite things list. : 0 )

  3. okay, okay, calm down...breathe, breathe...

    You need the pitching coach in 'Bull Durham' to come into the huddle and have the answers for you.

    Call the pool guy. Call the exterminator. Have the hubby learn a bit more about doorknobs so he can learn how to tackle that fairly simple problem at the door (it involves a hammer...men love hammering).

    Call a babysitter, if but for 2 hours. Take your own nap. Teach the minions that only adults get to use that language.

    Let go of what you can't control (I know, this is the hardest one). The minion needs to be a curtain crawler...let him, and when he hurts himself, he'll learn. When they fight, let them. You only need to step in when they come to you. Otherwise, they just have to learn. Once you give advice at work, you can't stop them from not following it, but you can fix it for them when it's broken. That makes you invaluable.

    Let go, ZENmom. And breathe....

  4. What a week! Ugh. I'm stressed out just reading about it. Hope you're hanging in there.
    I guess "I told you so" isn't a valid answer for the coworkers, right?

  5. I hate when life attacks.

    I hope the alligator move along soon and quit biting you.

  6. I'll trade you for two indecisive polish mathematicians that I have to shuttle around like a fucking nursemaid so they can buy souvenirs for the friends they pretend to have back home. Oh, and the WiFi router FROM MY BOSS' HOUSE that I have to reconfigure because one of his stupid fucking kids pressed the reset button "super long, just to, you know, see what it did".

  7. Your horrible week is our hilarious post.

    Sorry though.

    mountain goat...ha!

  8. Michaela: I know, it's still in my head, too. Glad you can relate. Well, not really *glad* for you, but, you know. Motherhood is not for wussies! :)

    Elizabeth: Thanks, Mum. :)

    Brutalism: I think it says that I am fascinating even when I'm boring. Or that you are easily amused? And, now you know why I needed that favorite things list last weekend. Because it was either post something happy or curl up in the fetal position under my dining room table. And then the ants woulda got me. :)

    Mintz: Thanks, Coach. *breathing* Make me laugh tonight and all will be well. No pressure. :)

    Escalator Operator: I have been practicing the saintly art of NOT saying "I told you so" all week. I think I need a medal.

    K: Thanks. I'm sure things will be better soon. :)

    SFD: Stupid people suck, no? Yes.

    DGB: We have to laugh at these things, right? Otherwise, we'll cry. :)

  9. Yikes, that's alot of crap. I'm of the opinion that swimming is only swimming until it becomes drowning. Get out of the pool before you cross that line.

  10. For having nothing, that was quite entertaining! Fresno State '94, huh? Journalism? That's just crazy. I haven't been to Fresno just once sense I left. I actually miss the place. Thanks for finding me... I will be back when you have something to say!

  11. Trooper Thorn: I know, right? Where's the hunky Lifeguard when you need him?

    CoachDad: Hi! Glad you stopped by! Yep. Journalism. But, actually, I was at CSUF from 92-96, but, still, funny coincidence, eh? Looking forward to reading more at your blog, too. :)

  12. LOL!

    For a gal with nothing to say, you've got a lot to say!

  13. Love that quote...and I am sure you have all kinds of wit at the ready...I can tell. Of course, I am happy to bring wine. Always. LOL.

  14. Your life sounds exhausting! Someone - perhaps the ZenHusband, who seems to sport a rather practical kind of zen - should hide the minions somewhere (laundry cupboard? I don't have children, I'm not sure where you store them) and take you out for a nice dinner at a nice restaurant, and allow you to fall asleep in your pasta after one glass of wine.
