07 August 2008

Kid Logic: Literal, much?

This week, my preschooler's teacher told me that my son threw a block at his friend and then he said he did not do it, even though the teacher saw him. So, that night, we sat down to have a little talk:

"Honey, did you throw a block at your friend at school today?"

"I didn't throw a block at my friend."

In my best patient-mommy voice:
"Your teacher saw you throw the block at your friend. And then you told her that you didn't. That was not the truth. You know that you always have to tell the truth to Mommy and Daddy and your teachers, right?"

Very matter-of-factly with his best "innocent face" on:
"But, Mommy, I didn't throw a block at my friend."

Still using the patient voice:
"Honey, you are not going to be in trouble, but you have to tell me the truth."

"I. didn't. throw. a block. at. my. friend."
(This was accompanied by a very nice eye-roll of impatience - I can't imagine where he could have learned that.)

A bit sterner now: "It is not okay to throw blocks at our friends. And it's not okay to to lie about it."

In his best long-suffering exasperation tone: "But, mommy. That girl is not my friend."



  1. That was a perfect Calvin and Hobbes moment.

  2. I'm actually a bit surprised you didn't catch on to that earlier, stickler as you are for correct verbiage.

  3. I agree. I should totally have seen that coming. He is MY kid, after all.

    I think I must have been distracted by my desire to get the "don't throw things" message across.

    Ironically, when I told my mom this story, SHE saw the punchline coming a mile away. :D

    That is why she is queen mommy of the universe and I am still just mommy-in-training. :)
