13 August 2010

It isn't just one of your holiday games

Astute readers may note that my children are nameless.

Well, not really. But, like most blogging parents, I don't use my kids' real names here. Up until now, I've mostly referred to them as "The Minions" or "the 5yo" or "the 3yo" (creative, no?) or, on occasion "demons of wind and light". Oh, wait, no, that last one is just in my head. Sorry.

However, I think the time has come to give The Minions their own blog-onyms.

And so let it be known throughout the kingdom that, henceforth, Minion-The-Younger shall be known as "Bam-Bam" and The Eldest Minion shall be known as "The Professor".

Allow me to introduce you to the cast, shall I?

Bam-Bam is the youngest and I have been known to comment that if he'd been the eldest, he'd have been an only child. Mostly because I would never have had the energy to have another one. He is fierce. He does everything with enthusiasm. Why walk, when you can run? Why sit when you can dance? He has been, on occasion, compared to a hyperactive squirrel on speed. In a race car. In a hurricane. Let's just say, the boy has a lot of energy. He also has no concept of his own mortality. I do love his unfettered zest for life. But it also makes him my child most likely to end up in cast before first grade.

The Professor, on the other hand, was recently voted "Most Likely to Blow up the House (But with Good Intentions)". His favorite show is Mythbusters and his favorite pastime is "inventing stuff". He is fastidious about his person - he doesn't like being dirty or splashed, even with water. And yet he dislikes cleaning up his room. One on hand, he's very logical and even-tempered for a 5-year-old. And on the other, he can throw a screaming tantrum like nobody's business. A complex dichotomy is our little Professor.

So there you have our merry crew. And now you know, if we ever meet, why I look so darned tired. :)

Bloggers, do you have blog nicknames for your kids? How did you come up with them?


* Blog Title: The Naming of Cats by T.S. Eliot


  1. Oh, we have GOT to hook up Bam Bam with my little Shoo Shoo boy (aka "I not Shoo Shoo Boy, I PIDERMAN! I strong!")

    And these types never end up in casts...too tough for such things...until middle school and high school

  2. on second thought, maybe not...cuz when an unstoppable object meets an immovable force it might mean the end of all matter as we know it.

  3. I love those names. We came up with names because I let them pick them. I know... way creative.

    Thanks for the intro!

  4. I like "minions", thought it was cute

    You might know already, but our son is Darling Boy, mostly because he really is so nice and sweet, and our daughter is Princess Persistent, because the little fucker never gives up! lol

  5. Mintz: Either that, or they'll hatch a plan to take over the world.

    Shelle: Thanks. :)

    Hubman: Collectively, they shall remain "The Minions". That's our personal nickname for them, too. ;) I've always liked "DB" and "PP", too.

  6. We also like to call our children the knuckleheads.

    Good names for everyone.

  7. I call my daughter Munchkin because when she was two she announced to me, "Not Mommy's Munchkin; Daddy's Munchkin!" (despite the fact that it was MTM's nickname for her and I had never called her that in all her life).

    I call my son Buddy because it was the first name that came to me as I was posting about his arrival.

    Pretty boring, huh?

  8. At first even my name was made up but I accidentally linked my blog with my facebook page and walla! Identify revealed. Since my identity was revealed it seemed like second nature to come clean about the whole fam. So we all have our names and pics on a blog post I did recently called meet the fam.No nicknames here. We are after all rebels!

  9. I likes the nicknames.

    My online monikers for my kids actually came before I had a blog. Before he was born, the Bean was referred to as such. It stuck. Since we had a Bean, my wife thought it would be funny to also have a Sprout.

    So there ya go.

  10. I love the names. They sound entirely apt.
    Although I do like Minions. Because that would make you the Evil Genius of the family, right?

  11. I so identify with your post, girlfriend! If my second had been my first...she would have been an only child! The youngest like to shake things up while the oldest likes to dig things up!
